If you're.....

Overwhelmed With Information

You know lots about ADHD, but don't know how to put it into practice or what your brain needs to thrive

  Exhausted & Impatient

You want to make up for lost time, and you're still stuck in that cycle of over-working & burnout

Lacking Confidence

Years of unexplained challenges have left you feeling shame & lacking confidence in yourself

Ways You Can Work With Me

Whether you've been diagnosed for years, you're newly diagnosed, self-diagnosed or think you might have it and want to find out more, I can help.

Whether you’re looking for long or short term support or a quick, focused session to get you back on track with something, I offer a range of ways you can work with me.


Learn how to work with your ADHD brain so you can make long-term sustained changes.  

  • Understand your brain & how ADHD impacts you
  • Replace neurotypical norms with ways that work for you
  • Uncover your strengths and create sustainable approaches to manage your challenges
  • Shed the shame and build your confidence & self-esteem

"Debs is so knowledgeable and thorough. I felt in really good hands and would thoroughly recommend her."

- Rebecca




or 3 x £520 Per Month 

  • 12 session package
  • Weekly x 1hr sessions
  • Pay in full or 3 x monthly instalments
  • Access To Work accepted

(6 months)


or 6 x £480 Per Month

  • 24 session package
  • Weekly x 1hr sessions
  • Pay in full or 6 x monthly instalments
  • Access To Work accepted

36-session package


or 9 x £460 Per Month

  • 36 session package
  • Weekly x 1hr sessions
  • Pay in full or 9 x monthly instalments
  • Access To Work accepted

48-session package
(12 months)


or 12 x £440 Per Month

  • 48 session package
  • Weekly x 1hr sessions
  • Pay in full or 12 x monthly instalments
  • Access To Work accepted

"Debs is amazing. She is hugely insightful, incredibly understanding and is a joy to be with. Watch your life transform if you sign up for her coaching."

- Cheryl

"Debs helped me deal with my anxiety and other issues and over my time working with her my confidence and self belief have been rebuilt.

- Lorraine

Why I'm Qualified To Help

Independent Credential

Independently creditialed at PCC level by the ICF (International Coaching Federation) - the only independent accreditation and credentialing organisation for coaching in the world.

Find me on on the ICF coach directory here

ADHD Credential

Independently credentialed at PCAC (Professional Certified ADHD Coach) level by PAAC (Professional Association of ADHD Coaches) - the only independent credentialing organisation for ADHD coaches in the world.

Find me on the PAAC coach directory here

Specialist ADHD coach training

Certified at ACCG (Advanced) level by ADDCA (the ADD Coach Academy), which is one of only two ICF accredited ADHD coach training providers in the world.

Find me on the ADDCA coach directory here

Professional Membership

Professional Member of the ACO (ADHD Coaches Organisation), which is a worldwide professional membership organisation for ADHD coaches.

Find me on the ACO coach directory here

Frequently Asked Questions

Firstly, book a free call to see if we’re a good fit.

This is a no pressure, no obligation call.

If you want to go ahead, we’ll agree a regular day and time for your session and book your first one.  

We’ll also set up the regular payment. Then that’s it, you’re good to go!

You’ll get an email reminder 48 hours in advance and an hour before each session.

I have particular expertise in working with people who are:
 - Late diagnosed
 - In peri-menopause or menopause
 - AuDHD

However, if none of these apply to you, I could still help you.  The key is to find out if we’re a good fit, so book a free call and let’s see if we gel. 

Yes. Self-diagnosis is valid.

 There are many barriers people face in getting an accurate diagnosis. Some people may choose not to get a formal diagnosis.  
At the end of the day, you’re reading this for a reason! If you have been experiencing challenges that can’t be explained by any pre-existing diagnosis or condition, and you’ve done your research, then it’s likely you’ll benefit from ADHD coaching.  

Please book a free call and let’s talk.  

If I can’t help you or if I don’t think you’re suitable or ready for ADHD coaching, I’ll tell you and direct you to some additional resources. 

Coaching can benefit most people who are ready to make a change in their life.  

However, it’s not the best option for you if you:

 - Have a complex history of trauma and haven’t been through therapy,  
 - Are currently in crisis and need urgent care
 - Need urgent resolution of the issues you’re facing
 - If someone else has told you you need coaching, but you’re not committed 

If you’ve been on social media or done any research about coaching, you’ll almost certainly have read that “everyone’s a coach these days” and “coaching is an unregulated industry.”

It is true that coaching is an unregulated industry at present. And, it’s true that many people who call themselves a coach are neither qualified, experienced nor actually providing coaching.

However, it’s also true that there are many more highly professional, extensively trained and hugely experienced coaches who operate with integrity and within a strong ethical framework.

 I am one of those coaches.

I have 8 years experience as a coach and have trained and certified with reputable, accredited organisations that are currently considered to be the ‘gold standard’ within the industry. (see FAQ ‘What are your qualifications & experience?’)

I work to the ethical codes of both the ICF and PAAC, continue to develop my skills as a coach through mentoring and advanced training as it is important to me that you know you’re in safe hands.

The coaching profession is only 20 years old, and I hope the industry will become regulated in the future, because I am passionate about the benefits that high quality coaching can bring, especially to people impacted by ADHD. 

I have undertaken advanced specialist ADHD coach training in addition to extensive general coaching training.  

I hold the ACCG certification from ADDCA, the ADD Coach Academy, which is their most advanced training.

ADDCA is one of only four training providers worldwide that delivers ADHD coach training fully accredited by the ICF.  

The ICF, International Coach Federation, is an independent certification body dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, and is widely recognised as setting the ‘gold standard’ for coaching.  

I am credentialed by the ICF at PCC level.

I’m also credentialed at PCAC standard by PAAC, the Professional Association of ADHD Coaches, which is an independent certification body dedicated to advancing ADHD coaching. I am one of only two people in the UK listed on the PAAC website to be credentialed at this level.  

I work to the ethical codes of both the ICF and PAAC, continue to develop my skills as a coach through mentoring and supervision. 

Our differing circumstances and experiences mean there’s no one size fits all solution.

For most people, I recommend starting with a minimum of 12 sessions, which typically spans 3-4 months.

Stripping away neurotypical norms, and finding what works for your ADHD brain takes time, patience and experimentation.  

But, coaching is not a lifelong commitment: we work together just long enough for you to achieve what you set out to, but no longer.

On average people work with me somewhere between 6 & 18 months, depending on what they want to achieve.

During our time together you’ll learn self-coaching skills so you can understand yourself, problem solve with confidence and move forward in your life in a sustainable way.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but I do work within a framework that helps you to:  
 - Learn research backed, evidence based, information about ADHD
 - Understand how and when ADHD impacts you as an individual
 - Develop greater self-acceptance of yourself, your challenges and your ADHD  
 - Learn about your strengths & how to use them
 - Understand and manage your challenges
 - Develop sustainable strategies that build resilience, without burnout
 - Develop your self-esteem and a positive, ADHD affirming approach Build confidence and self-advocacy skills Learn self-coaching tools 

Many people come to me after they’ve had therapy and/or coaching before. Sometimes it’s helped them, sometimes it hasn’t helped as much as they’d hoped.  

This can happen for a number of reasons, but it often leaves people feeling ‘broken’ and beyond help.  

This is not the case: you’re not broken & you don’t need fixing.  

But, if you’ve got a problem you do need the ‘help that’s going to help you’ and you may not have had that so far.  

I believe that everyone is coachable, and my baseline is that you can achieve what you want with the right help (we all need help!).  

Research shows that the main thing that helps is the relationship between client and coach. That’s why I offer a free call: it’s your chance and mine to see if we gel. If we do, I’m confident you‘ll be successful.  If we don’t, I’ll almost certainly know someone who’d be a good fit for you.  

I don’t have a magic wand & I don’t ever promise that change will happen overnight. But I am totally committed to you getting the right help for you. I don’t believe in one size fits all solutions, or even in one thing - coaching, therapy - being the only thing that can help someone. Usually what helps is a number of things, and I have a toolbox of things, a wide breadth of knowledge & experience and have trained in multiple modalities to be able to provide you with a flexible solution that’s tailored to your needs.  

Having said that, I’m always very conscious of what’s outside of my scope of practice and will always suggest other professionals who can help you if what you need is outside of what I’m qualified and competent to help you with. 

I will offer shorter sessions, by agreement if you’re struggling to engage for a full hour because I want you to get value from every session.  

However, I find that most people I work with are verbal processors and so benefit from being able to process in this way. An hour is usually the right amount of time.  

I will offer less frequent sessions by agreement and only after a minimum of 3 months of weekly sessions.  

Less frequent sessions would usually be fortnightly as I find that for most people anything less frequent than this doesn’t create sufficient momentum to have an impact. 

My current prices are shown on this page - please see above.


Offering affordable ADHD coaching is important to me.

For coaching packages of 3 months or more, you can pay by monthly instalments.

Payment plans are not available for one off sessions.  

I do not currently charge any additional fees for payment instalment plans, but I may offer additional bonuses or incentives from time to time for the Pay In Full options.  

All payments are made via Stripe recurring subscription. 


My pricing for Access To Work is as shown above and you can download a quote here.

Please note that my payment terms are monthly in advance and I DO NOT accept proforma invoices.

Find out more about Access To Work here.

If you are in the UK and self-employed or in paid employment, you can get job coaching paid for through the Government’s Access To Work grant. Find out more here.

Getting results can take time, so I ask that you give it a go for about 6 weeks before making a decision.  

If you have signed up, but change your mind and want to cancel before your first session, you will be refunded in full minus any charges due in accordance with the cancellation policy.  

If you’ve started coaching, we can mutually agree to end the Coaching Agreement early. This is subject to the Terms & Conditions of the Coaching Agreement.

I have a 24 hour cancellation policy.

You will receive an email reminder 48 hours before your session date, which gives you another 24 hours to make any changes to your session without incurring a cancellation charge. 

I have ADHD myself, so my default is to think about how to make things easier for you and I!  

I reduce texting, admin and to & fro messaging as much as possible!  

Here’s what I do that works well for most people:
 - Your coaching sessions will be on a regular day & time
 - You'll get automatic confirmation & reminder emails
 - You’ll pay by automatic regular payments
 - All sessions are online via Zoom
 - You can reschedule your own session if required  
 - Contact between sessions is via Whatsapp using text or voice  
If you have any needs that are not covered by the above, please ask. 

Interested In Working With Me?

Book a free, no obligation call to find out more & see if we're a good fit

Got A Question?

Send me a message & I'll get back to you within 48 hours

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