We are an affiliate of:

  • Associates programme
  • Awin publisher programme (Audible)
  • Zenler (website platform)
  • Acuity (appointment scheduling)

and may be paid commission if you buy through our link.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before placing an order. By purchasing services on this Site, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you are not willing to be bound by these terms and conditions, please do not purchase services from this Site.

We only endorse products and services that we believe in and would highly recommend.

As we are an affiliate and the products and services listed on our resources page were created by a third party, we shall have no liability whatsoever in any circumstances to you in relation to the products, (including in relation to any consequential loss of any type whatsoever) other than in relation to matters for which we are not lawfully able to limit or exclude our liability.”  


I am committed to making ADHD coaching services accessible to more people.

One of the ways I do this is by offering a limited number of Pay What You Can one-to-one coaching places.

The commission I receive when you purchase through a link I share contributes towards the cost of providing this service and enables me to continue to offer it.

Find out more about Pay What You Can here

Find out more about my values and other ways I help to making ADHD coaching more accessible here